Registered Design Application in Nigeria
A registered design protects any combination of shape, 組態, 裝飾, 或模式, 在成品中, 吸引並完全由眼睛判斷. 在高水平, the difference between registered designs and patents is one of “form versus function.” Registered designs are not concerned with functionality, 而是產品的視覺方面.
在尼日利亞, an applicant may secure registered design rights by applying to register their design with the Patents and Designs Registry of the Nigerian Intellectual Property Office.
Registering a design in Nigeria gives the registrant the exclusive right to stop others from making, 賣, 並導入體現註冊外觀設計的商品, 或基本相似的設計, 在尼日利亞用於商業目的.
除了市場上的專有權, a registered design may also be an inherently valuable asset. 一個備受推崇的, 知名的設計可以吸引投資者, 誰可能會吸引到設計的排他性. 也一樣, 註冊的工業品外觀設計可以出售, 轉入, 或用作貸款抵押. 以這種方式, registered designs can be useful revenue tools.
Registered Design Application in Nigeria
在Aspire律師事務所, we frequently help clients through the complex process of registering design patents in Nigeria. Our lawyers provide advisory on issues around protecting design patents in Nigeria. 我們可以幫助您準備申請,並為獲得尼日利亞的外觀設計保護提供幫助.
Aspire Solicitors also provides expert legal services to enforce our clients’ ownership in industrial designs. You can rely on our team of lawyers to enforce your registered design patent rights in Nigeria.
For advisory on registered designs in Nigeria, 致電或致電WhatsApp +234 803 979 5959, 電郵至